Peer-Reviewed Publications
"Jack and Johnny Went Up the Hill: Emergent Homonationalism in Post-Section 377 Bollywood Cinema," in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing (published 2024; winner of the 2021 Postcolonial Studies Association's Postgraduate Essay Competition)
Legal Scholarship
"The Promise of Disability Protections for Trans Prisoners," in the UCLA Law Dukeminier Awards Journal (published 2023; winner of the 2021 Dukeminier Awards Journal Student Writing Competition and the Haber Prize in Student Scholarship)
"LGBTQI+ Refugee and Asylum Seekers: A Review of Research and Data Needs," in the UCLA Williams Institute (published 2022)
Book Reviews
“A Practice of Proliferation: Anjali Arondekar’s Abundance and Archival Engagement as Timepass.” Forthcoming in QED: A Journal in GLBTQ World-Making 11, no. 2.
"Roe and Privacy Rights," in Teen Vogue (2022)
"What the Hell Is Substantive Due Process, Anyway?" in Rewire News (2022)
"What Is Orientalism?" in Teen Vogue (2021)
"What Is Necropolitics? The Political Calculation of Life and Death," in Teen Vogue (2021; cited in The New Yorker)
"Review of The Mothers: Poets in Conversation," in Pleiades Magazine (2023)
"Beyond the Model Minority: A Review of Jenny Bhatt's Each of Us Killers," in Pleiades Magazine (2021)
"Illegibly Queer: On All This Could be Different," in The Millions (2022)
"Absent Center: Netflix's Dark and Time Travel as White Privilege," in The Los Angeles Review of Books (2020)
"Borders and Capitalism," in Teen Vogue (2023)
Creative (Selections)
"When Your Country Calls You an Alien," in Catapult (2020)
"Two Poems," in Honey Literary (2021)
"Three Poems," in Hobart (2020)
"Two Poems," in World Literature Today (2018)