selected publications
"When Your Country Calls You an Alien" in Catapult (2020)
"Her Mother's Lover" in Bold Strokes Books (anthologized in In Our Own Words, 2021)
"God's Intern" in World Literature Today (2018)
"Guide to Bharatanatyam" in Paper Darts (2018)
"Kathakali" in Spider Road Press (anthologized in Companion of Ash, 2017)
"Desi Girl" in Litro Magazine (print and online, 2016; awarded Editor's Pick)
"Reflections" in storySouth (2016)
"Little Things" in Blue Marble Review (2016)
the juvenile immigrant
prose chapbook from speaking tiger books, 2019
"In her sparkling debut, Namrata Verghese explores the disorders and triumphs of Indian immigrants, particularly Malayalis, in America. These short stories brilliantly evoke interior dramas of dislocation, racism, mental illness, marriage, and infidelity, with surprising twists of humor, pathos, and pessimism. Marked by keen psychological insight and visceral prose, they speak urgently to our contemporary moment."
Available from: Speaking Tiger Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Waterstones, + more